The Disney Movie Hercules

1. Hera was not Hercules’s mother

2. Hercules was not born on Mt. Olympus

3. The Golden Age was during the age of the Titans

4. There were nine muses

5. Titans looked like humans, and life was actually pretty good when Cronus ruled. Also, Uranus ruled before them

6. Cronus swallowed all of his children alive, but Zeus’s mother gave him a rock to eat instead. Zeus grew up on Crete, and when he got older he defeated the Titans

7. The Titans were not thrown into a box. They were put in the pit of Tartarus in the underworld.

8. Hades did not try to kill Hercules,  Hera did. Although Hades was definitely jealous of his younger brother, he never tried to kill his nephew.

9. Narcissus turned into a flower, so he probably wouldn’t be at Olympus.

10. All of the names are mixed up. Hercules is Roman, while Zeus, Hera, Hades, etc. are Greek

11. Pegasus was not created from clouds by Zeus as a gift for his son. He was the offspring of the monster Medusa, and Hercules was not known for befriending the flying horse.

12. Zeus never “bestowed” the underworld job to Hades. they rolled dice to decide who got what part of the world. Hades just happened to get the bad one.

13. Hades couldn’t “work himself to death” considering he is an immortal

14. People would rather “work up” Hades than Zeus, because, other than with death, Hades is pretty much powerless

15. You sail across the river Styx, not down it, to get into the underworld.

16. Pain and Panic were not followers of Hades, but of Ares, god of war, and caused despair everywhere, along with a few others

17. The fates did not share one eye, that was the Grey Sisters

18. It is never mentioned (except in modern stories, like my neighbor Rick Riordan’s) that Hades has a desire to take over the world. And the fates never mention Zeus’s failure. Prometheus, tied to a cliff, having his guts being eaten out by an eagle knew, but never told Zeus.

19. Hercules was never immortal, until his almost death, when his his wife almost kills him.

20. It was ordinary snakes, not Pain and Panic, sent to kill Hercules

21. The snakes were sent out of Hera’s jealousy

22. No potion could make someone mortal, not mentioned in Greek or Roman mythology

4 Responses to “The Disney Movie Hercules”

  1. Jalini Says:

    Actually there is a potion for immortality which Athena made for Tydeus when he was fighting the Thebes as part of the 7 against Thebes. Though Athena never delivered it because she was disgusted when he ate the brains of his fallen enemy.

    Also Hercules was known for carrying a club and wearing the pelt of the Nimean Lion

  2. lilah Says:

    nice list! one of the most comprehensive but concise ones I’ve seen. although I’d like to clarify that Rick Riordan’s Hades did not want to take over the world; he was painted as such in The Lightning Thief, but was actually framed as a plot by Cronus. sorry, I’ve got a soft spot for percy jackson :S

  3. christian Says:


  4. christian Says:

    also, thank you! im not the only one who realizes all these errors

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